The Best 6 Ways to Balance Hormones


Our hormones dictate how we feel, think, eat, sleep, respond, urinate, defecate, menstruate, lose or gain weight….might I go on….They are essential to life! Hormones are the messengers within us that make things happen to ensure we stay alive! Now I might add, most people today are walking around hormonally imbalanced. How can you tell? Here are a few clues that signal hormonal imbalance:

  1. Weight Gain
  2. Hair Loss/Thinning
  3. Facial Hair Growth in Women
  4. Development of Gut/Breasts in Men
  5. Acne
  6. Insomnia
  7. Depression
  8. Constipation
  9. Brain Fog
  10. Anxiety
  11. Sugar Cravings
  12. Lack of Energy
  13. PMS
  14. Irregular Menses
  15. Short tempered/Irritable
  16. Low sex drive   etc……..

So what can you do about it?

Here are 6 lifestyle modifications that you can start tomorrow! If you follow these steps, you will feel happier, healthier and more energetic for sure!

  1. Get moving. Exercise has been shown to help with weight loss and also getting hormones balanced. It does not matter which are out of balance, as exercise is a fantastic way to help balance many. Choose an activity you enjoy and stick to it. It must be consistent exercise at least 4-5 times a week for 30 minutes.
  2. Get sound sleep. Yes. When we sleep, this is when our body comes back to homeostasis, if we allow it. Disconnect from your TV, phone, email and anything that can affect melatonin production at least 45 minutes before bed. Limit caffeine after 2pm as this can affect sleep. Create a zen space for sleep and make it a priority and protect your sleep hours. They are necessary for hormonal balance. Aim for 7-9 hours. When you dream, this is a good sign of deep sleep. If you can remember them, even better!
  3. Enjoy a High Fibre Diet: This includes mostly fruit, vegetables, nuts/seeds and legumes.  This type of diet is very high in fibre, which gets the bowels moving and helps flush out excess estrogen levels.
  4. Meditate. This is a must, especially if cortisol (your stress hormone) is elevated. Choose any form of meditation and stick to it. This has to be a consistent practice. Aim for 20 minutes a day to find inner peace and hormone balancing.
  5. Do a Liver Detox twice a year. Our liver recycles hormones and when it becomes “sluggish”, hormonal imbalances results. If you are unsure which one to do, reach out as I have the perfect cleanse aimed to target liver, kidneys and colon.
  6. Remove sugar, dairy and high fat foods/meat from your diet. This is a MUST! If you need help with sugar cravings reach out. Keeping a food journal is a great way to become conscious of what you are eating, when and why.

(Assess your Hormones by filling out my “Hormonal Questionnaire” in the weight loss tab above this page.)

If you would like to test your hormones in my office, contact me.

Cheers to balancing your hormones!

jen-banners-3-1030x242Dr. Jen Cisternino, ND

[email protected]
