Entries by admin

9 signs you need a Detox

I have learned and intuitively felt that spring was a great time to help your body rid itself of toxins and chemicals that may have accumulated over the winter months. For some people, not all, the winter season can bring inactivity and an increase in comfort foods, which is a breeding ground for toxicity. Listed […]

Let’s Save the Planet

  Today I was driving to work, and I saw from afar, a tree falling to the ground. It shook me. Looking at this happening made me feel sad and something in me wanted to save it. It was too late. I did drive past the area and saw that people dressed in work clothes, […]

Why a Salivary Cortisol Test can help you feel better

It seems as though everyone is stressed these days and chronic health conditions are on the rise. Most conventional therapies do not aim to address the fundamental root cause of illness, which in most cases, is stress. In my practice, I help people understand the impact of stress on their body and get them to […]

Are you giving your JOY away?

One of the reasons people are not happy is because they keep giving away their joy. What does this mean? Example: You are waiting for a parking spot and as soon as the car pulls out, a car comes in from around the corner and takes the spot you were waiting for.  You start yelling […]

Are you Happy? Try these 7 activities….

Over my years of practicing and helping people, I have come to realize that at the root of every call for help is a deep desire to be happy. You do not need to be diagnosed with “depression” to want to feel happier. The reality is, most people don’t know how to be happy. Some […]

5 Rules To Help you Achieve Your New Years Resolutions

New year, new you! I am sure you have heard that over and over again. “What is wrong with the old me?”- you wonder. This time of year can elicit anxiety and stress in people, especially if you are wanting to change everything about yourself.  For example- you want to change how much you weigh, […]

Beat That Holiday Stress!

  The Holiday Season is among us. While it should be a joyous occasion and may be for some, this time of year can bring upon anxiety and stress for many. Often this is accompanied by unwanted weight gain and/or fatigue and a general feeling of mental and physical imbalance. In my opinion, it is […]

Food Sensitivity Testing- To Do or Not To Do?

I am writing this blog because I am seeing more and more people with digestive issues in my office. Most of the people I see have been experiencing these symptoms for 10 years or more. When asked what took them so long to come in, they report that they saw their doctor first and all tests […]

Heavy Periods? A Calling for Help.

Why would a woman consciously choose to bleed excessively and lose her vital “Qi” (life fore energy). When we bleed, we lose precious minerals and vitamins from the body.  If  we lose too much this can be very serious and life threatening. There can be several reasons for it; However, in this article I want […]

Why Meditate?

More than ever before, people today are looking for an alternative way to help them cope with everyday stresses and health concerns. We are awakening to the realization that we have more power over our health than any doctor. Old beliefs have it that a doctor will heal you and you must seek their help […]