
Have you explored “adrenal imbalance” as a cause for your health concerns?

Each and everyday we are calling upon our adrenal glands to help us cope with the wide arrange of physical and psychological stressors- work demands, raising a family, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, excess caffeine consumption, dieting, unresolved emotional stress etc.

Let me be clear about what these glands are. In the human body, we have two adrenal glands. They are triangular in shape and located above the kidneys. These glands help the body cope with stress and among the many hormones that are released by the adrenals, the most commonly known is cortisol.

In addition to cortisol, a lesser known fact is that the adrenals also secrete sex hormones like progesterone, testosterone, estrogen and DHEA. When a woman enters menopause, the severity of her symptoms are often linked to the health of her adrenal glands. If a woman’s adrenal glands are healthy and balanced, she will experience minimal symptoms in the transition. Those women who have long standing adrenal imbalance, tend to suffer greater symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood changes, weight gain, sugar cravings etc. I see this pattern a lot in my practice. Recommending adrenal support in these cases has shown to improve symptoms of menopause while eliminating the need for hormone replacement therapy.

The adrenal glands also affect sleep, energy, temperature, stress coping abilities, mental clarity, immune system function, hormones, libido, food cravings, blood pressure and weight management. As a result of their multiform effects, there can be many signs and symptoms of adrenal imbalance that you may perceive. Our bodies are always trying to speak to us so that we may restore balance. Whether you listen or not is up to you. Be aware that there can be an overlap of signs and symptoms with other conditions, so adrenal imbalance may not be the root cause but it sure can be a contributing factor to your illness.

If you suffer with any of the conditions listed below, know that you can help yourself by getting your adrenal glands assessed and treated to improve outcomes: Arthritis, Allergies, Anxiety, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromylagia, Depression, Anxiety, Weight Gain, Insomnia, Hypotension, Hypothyroidism, Premature Menopause.

Adrenal insufficiency is often an overlooked condition by most medical practitioners. Naturopathic Doctors do a fantastic job at helping patients better understand the role of stress on the body and how to mitigate its effects and support the adrenals for overall well-being. I am hoping to shed some light on these amazing glands by writing this blog. If you would like to get your adrenal glands assessed and properly treated, reach out to book an appointment so we can get started.

In good health,

Dr. Jen, Naturopath


9 signs you need a Detox

I have learned and intuitively felt that spring was a great time to help your body rid itself of toxins and chemicals that may have accumulated over the winter months. For some people, not all, the winter season can bring inactivity and an increase in comfort foods, which is a breeding ground for toxicity. Listed below are some signs your body is asking for a detox.

Weight gain is an all too common complaint for most people. Weight gain is a sure sign you need a detox. With added weight, it is safely assumed that increased sugar, fat and processed foods have been consumed which is placing excess stress on the body and is being stored. A detox is always a fresh start and kick start to weight loss.

Headaches or “brain fog” is also a common sign that there can be an overload of chemicals/toxins in your body. I once had a patient that had symptoms of “brain fog” and found it difficult to function each day. I did a heavy metal test and found high amounts of the heavy metal mercury in her body. Once we cleared this out of her system, she reported increased clarity, focus and memory.

Constipation is another sign that your body needs a detox because it is not removing excess waste from your body. Sluggishness of the bowels can be rooted in many underlying conditions, and after this is sought out, regulating the removal of waste is important. A healthy detox is a great way to stimulate the bowels and push out toxic waste.

PMS and Hormonal Imbalance is another reason to detox. Did you know that a healthy liver promotes healthy excretion of hormones? Estrogen excess, a common hormonal concern, can be caused by an over-stressed liver and an excess of exposure to xenoestrogens- estrogen linked chemicals. Most women who come to see me with hormonal imbalances are started on a gentle cleanse to reset the body and it works beautifully.

Fatigue and Stress is a common complaint for most people. We live in a fast pace world. We have become busier and busier and most find it hard to relax and de-stress. Stress on the body places stress on the organs which makes it harder for detoxification. I attended a recent lecture on detoxification and the take home message for all the physicians listening was “make sure your patient is focusing on relieving stress for any detox to work”.

Irritability is another sign that you and your body are overwhelmed with toxicity. When the body is overwhelmed, it shows us signs that we need to take a break and take better care of ourselves, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.

Skin Reactions (hives, acne, psoriasis, eczema) to name a few are sure signs that your body needs to detoxify. Did you know that your skin is the largest organ of elimination. Sweating is a great way to release toxic buildup. The more toxins you have, the more likely you are to suffer with skin problems.

Insomnia is another sign that your body is in need of a cleanse. Toxic buildup can sometimes create anxiousness and restlessness which can impact sleep. I had a patient come in with a complaint of insomnia and very little hope that it would ever go away. I put her on a 3 week detox regimen and when she returned to the office, post detox, she was amazed at how well she was sleeping.

Tics and Hyperactivity are signs that the body may be burdened with heavy metals. I have seen on several occasions, especially with children, that heavy metals such as aluminum and copper can affect the nervous system. With detoxification and removal of these metals, the body can restore balance and this is seen in the removal and lessening of tics as well as a calmer affect.

If you are interested in having yourself tested for Heavy Metals, we can get you tested with a Hair Mineral and Heavy Metal Test in the office. It is a very simple test, yet very effective.

If you have any of the concerns listed above and would like a detox, it would be my pleasure to meet you and help you.

Dr. Jennifer Cisternino, ND
